donderdag 26 maart 2009


Daniel is reinventing his stupidness today.
It’s the third hour and we are following a latin class. I‘m sitting next to Mark - running a risk to be raped - behind me is Daniël and on my right side, at another set of tables, is Nathan. Daniel is being questioned by the Belgian teacher about conjunctivi and deponantia because of his bad notes and the intire classroom is looking expectantly at him.
I think poor Daniël is a bit nervous - or at least becomming. While he’s struggling, Nathan makes a loud and sarcastisch, whispering noise: “Nopresurenopresurenopresure!”. Daniël makes a face.
I think he’s panicing now.

We really really love Daniël - don't get me wrong - but he has got the intelligence of a mushroom. Not really in the no-brains way, like Mark, but more in an I-can’t-count-to-ten-without-using-my-fingers way. Last year he actually had to leave our school, but he managed to stay in some way. That’s one of the reasons why we believe wonders will never cease.
His parents decided that he should work very very hard from that moment - which resulted in missing our trip to Paris, my birthday and hundreds of movies.
I don’t really know how I should feel about that. On the one handel, I really want him to stay in our class. On the other I doubt this is the best for him. He is working so hard, missing al kinds of things and spending less time with us, that I wonder how it would be if he could be educated on a level he can handle. Would he really see us less? we see him every day now at school, but we don't really have fun together except on Friday and vacations. And would he be happier, not struggling with latin and greek every day?

Daniël still hasn't said anything good, not even close to the correct answer. Mark turns around, Julia is hoving back and forward at her chair. Then, daniël rises from his desk and climbs on his chair.
“Plusquamperfectum - coming from loqui, which means speaking.” He makes a bow and jumps off victorious. My breath is taken. After a few moments, tThe class bursts in an applause and our teacher looks stunned - just like we want to.
I wonder Mark's role in this play.
You can say a lot about Daniel, but he’s not easily daunted.

To Be Coninued.

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